What is liquid/water cooling technology in smartphones?

(A liquid cooling system in phone) Hello everybody ,since the launch of mobile xiaomi poco f1 which comes with this liquid cooling technology,i have seen lots of people are commenting on what is liquid/water cooling technology in mobile phone.? And one of my friend cancer was commenting a question that what will happen to pocophone if all the water will leak from the phone. (An inside view of liquid cooling technology in samsung smartphone) So today with this post your doubts and concept on liquid/water cooling technology will be cleared ,thats my guarantee.So its requested to all please go through the post without skipping any sentence. (Xiaomi pocophone f1) First of all, liquid cooling technology is not a new concept.Liquid cooling technology is most common in computers but now there are already lots of high end smartphone with this concept like Samsung galaxy S7 and S7 edge,nokia 950xl,xperia z5 etc and now lately xiaomi's pocophone f1 had joined ...