
Showing posts from May, 2017

How to get assam highersecondary results on SMS and website on 30th may 2017?

So guyz are you ready... Results of Higher Secondary Final Examination, 2017 of all streams conducted by the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council will be declare on 30thMay, 2017 at 10.00AM at all the District & Sub-Division Head Quarters. The Result Sheet also with marks-sheet and pass certificates will have to be collected by the institutions from the main institution located in their respective District/ Sub-Division Head Quarter. The Examination Centers located in the district of Kamrup will have to collect the Result Sheet, Mark-Sheet and Certificate from the Principal,Cotton Collegiate Govt. H.S. School, Panbazar, Buwahati, T.C Govt. Girls’ HS & MP School,Guwahati, Gopal Boro Govt. HS School, Ganeshguri Chariali, Pub Kamrup College, Baihata Chariali, Damdama HS School, Kulhati, Hajo and Dakshin Kamrup Mahavidyalaya, Mirza on that day at 9.00 A.M.The institutions located at greater Guwahati area will also receive result sheet along with mark-sheets and certificate...

What is that 10 % enhancement on existing basic pay email order copy by SSA Assam?

All the SSA Assam teachers were  waiting for their revision in salary eagerly and suddenly an email by Chief Accounts officer of SSA arrives directing to prepare bill with 10% enhancement in present basic pay. It appears to be like a nightmare to all teachers as all were expecting revision in pay but at last an email flashed of providing a megre 10 % increment in basic pay. So now questions comes that means we are not entitled to 7th pay. Actually if you are thinking that than I must say you are totally wrong . As our education minister has almost clarified that SSA contractual teacher will be totally benefitted from the revision of pay. And even i said and showed the order copy in my last article regarding PAB,MHRD approving the budget of SSA assam for 2017 to 2018 session with copy of approved minutes . So there is no chance that we will be excluded from the revision.It is almost 100% sure but it is taking a little bit time for the process to go on. ...

Enhance your knowledge with topmost historic unknown amazing facts

1.The name" bluetooth" was originated from the second king of Denmark ,Herald Bluetooth 2.Did you know the last letter of English alphabet was not 'Z' .The last letter was 'J'. 3.97% rapist of America have not seen jail for one day also. 4.Before 1985 ,Doctors used to think that child doesn't feel the pain.So they dont used pain killers to child for performing surgeries. 5.In solar system Earth is the only plannet where all types of Ecplipse occurs. 6.Do you know your nails in finger are growing 25% faster then your grandparents. 7.Summer season in uranus plannet lasts for 42 years. 8.Comparing to man ,Woman can perform different task at single time.In short womens are multi -taskers. 9.'Gadsby' is a novel of 50000 words.The speciality of this novel is that in the entire novel you will not find the letter 'E'. 10. When Shakira was in grade school, no one liked her voice. Her teacher wouldn't let her join the sc...

A great sign of relief for Assam SSA TET teachers .Dont panic and stay calm for the time being now..

Few days before on date:12/05/2017, there was an order copy released by SSA regarding the time period extension of terms for 11 months, only after signing an agreement. Then right after few days of that order copy again one email appeared on Date:22/05/2017 ,stating not to download the previous order copy ,means there was a modification left out to be done. And today finally an order copy was released stating that the terms of SSA  TET teachers whose date of agreement expired on May has been further extended to 11 months. So till 11 months no worries but what will happen after that ? Thats the big question right now. Dont panic guys Lets discuss with our concern Education Minister regarding the matter.As we all know at a once we cannot loose our job because RTE is a fundamental right now and it cannot be uplifted.And moreover SSA is 90% governed by centre so its approval is must required as state alone cannot take any decision.As soon as centre approve definitely...

Dhola to sadiya bridge-India's longest bridge.Get the topmost facts about it.Mother of all bridge

Here are five facts about the Dhola-Sadiya bridge, strategic project which would improve road connectivity to the border state of Arunachal Pradesh 1.The Dhola-Sadiya bridge spans the Lohit River to connect the states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. 2.In 2011, the construction began under the aegis of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways in public private partnership (PPP) with Navayuga Engineering Company Ltd. 3.The bridge is 3.55 kilometres (2.21 mi) longer than the Bandra Worli sea link over the Mahim Bay in Mumbai — the longest bridge in India. 4.The expected date of Bridge Operation will be from May-2016 and the Connecting Highway is scheduled to be operational from April-2017. 5.The bridge will reduce the travel time from Assam to Arunachal Pradesh by four hours. See the promotional video of Dhola to sadiya bridge here:

Some odd rituals of Hinduism but totally based on scientific methods -Have a Glance and proud to be a Hindu

The worlds most oldest religion hinduism.It follows some strict restrictions for some activity but it is totally beneficial for us. Have you ever wondered all the rituals followed by hindu's are purely scientific.....Have a glance upon the following and beleive it.... So Be proud of being a true hindu and dont forget to share it. For any feedback or suggestion regarding the content contact our customer care  Whatsapp:8134804961

Amazing facts about death-You will surely have goosebump after knowing it

As soon as we are born it is fixed that one day we will surely die. Death is inevitable,it will not leave anybody either rich or poor all will die one day. But do you know how much people die everyday? So today Anurag katuwal is here to tell you some of the top most amazing facts about death 1.Around 1,59,635 people will die on the same day that you will die. 2.If anybody's head is beheaded it will not die immediately infact till 20 seconds he will be alive whereas if a person is shot in a head with bullet he dies immediately.It doesnt happens always,sometime in some case it may differ also. 3.The morning time between 3 am to 4 am ,it is considered to be that our body becomes too weak.It is the reason that most people dies while sleeping. 4.The body decomposes 4 times faster in water as compared to land. 5.After 3 days of our death the digestive enzymes present in our stomach starts to eat our body. 6.Around 7000 people die every year due to the ...

Amazing top facts about Baby

Hi friends once again I am back with some of the top amazing facts about babies. We know that babies are also referred to as disguise of God. So today lets learn some amazing facts about them 1.Have you ever wondered how much babies are born in a minute around the whole world?.The answer is  approximately 255 babies in a minute means 4.3 babies in a second. 2.When a baby is born there is no single bacteria present in its body. 3.Newly born babies just sees black and white colour for several weeks and after that the first colour it sees is red. 4.Child psychologist predicts that a new born baby doesnt see dream for few years 5.Comparing to adult a baby has 60 more bones in its body. 6.Some research states that a baby born before the time are left handed. 7.Out of 50000 one baby is born who doesnt have kidney in its body. 8.Cochlear ear-kiss injury, is the state of condition which states that whenever a baby is kissed in ear it may turn deaf in future. 9.A new...

Some of the rarest unknown facts about Bear Grylls-Discovery channel sensation

If you watch discovery channel then you might have seen Bear grylls also . Not by name but seeing his photo billion of people can identify him that he is the man from the dicovery channel programme "Man vs wild". So today i have brought some amazing unknown facts about him .Lets explore it. 1.Bear grylls original full name is Edward michael Grylls,which was named by his sister in childhood. 2.Bear grylls become famous in UK for his tv series" Man vs wild" during the year 2006 to 2011. 3.Original name of TV series "Man vs wild " was "Born survivor:Bear Grylls",but afterwards the name was changed. 4.Till the age of early 4 years Bear grylls was taken care of in North ireland. 5.Bear grylls is trained black belt in martial arts. 6.Bear grylls is true christian and totally believe and faith in God. 7.After completion of his high school ,Bear grylls aim was to join indian army. 8.Bear grylls is a dad of three children 9.Bear gryl...

আজিৰ মানুহে -A bitter but truth fact and analysis

. ❑ আজিৰ মানুহে শিক্ষা গ্রহণ কৰে শিক্ষিত হোৱাৰ বাবে, মানুহ হোৱাৰ বাবে নহয় । . ❑ আজিৰ মানুহে ভালপায় ভোগ কৰাৰ বাবে , বিয়াৰ বাবে নহয় । . ❑ আজিৰ মানুহে টকা অর্জন কৰে ধনী হোৱাৰ বাবে , দুখীয়াক দিয়াৰ বাবে নহয়। . ❑ আজিৰ মানুহে সহায় কৰে লাভৰ কাৰণে , বিনা স্বাৰ্থত নহয় । . ❑ আজিৰ মানুহে মন্দিৰত যায় ভক্ত হোৱাৰ বাবে , পাপ মুক্তিৰ বাবে নহয় । . ❑ আজিৰ মানুহে ৰাতি নুশুৱে ফেচবুক কৰাৰ বাবে ,প্ৰিয়জনক সুৰক্ষাৰ বাবে নহয় । . ❑ আজিৰ মানুহে আনন্দ কৰে আনৰ কষ্ট দেখি , সুস্থ বিনোদনৰ বাবে নহয় । . ❑ আজিৰ মানুহে খাদ্য গ্রহণ কৰে বাসনা বিলাসৰ বাবে ,সুস্হ ভাবে জীয়াই থাকিবলৈ নহয়। . ❑ আজিৰ মানুহে পোছাক পৰিধান কৰে ফেশ্বনৰ বাবে, লজ্জা নিবাৰণৰ বাবে নহয় । . ❑ আজিৰ মানুহে বেংকত টকা থয় সুত পোৱাৰ বাবে , নিৰাপত্তাৰ বাবে নহয় । . ❑ আজিৰ মানুহে বন্ধুত্ব কৰে নিজৰ স্বাৰ্থৰ বাবে , ভালপোৱাৰ বাবে নহয় । . ❑ আজিৰ মানুহে দান কৰে লৌকিকতাৰ বাবে , মানবতাৰ বাবে নহয় . ❑ আজিৰ মানুহে ৰাজনীতি কৰে নেতা হোৱাৰ বাবে , জনসাধাৰণৰ বাবে নহয় । . ☞ আৰু এটা ডাঙৰ কথা কি জানে।আমাৰ মাজত যিজন ইয়াৰ ব্যতিক্ৰমী...

Assam will get aadhar card now after 3 years of waiting

In a major change of policy, the BJP-led government in Assam has given its nod on the issue of Aadhaar cards in the state which was stalled for three years.Parliament affairs minister Chandra Mohan Patowary has informed the state assembly that the state general administration departmentwill carry out the exercise while the home department will monitor the process.Aadhaar card is a 12-digit unique identification number issued to all Indian residents based on their biometric and demographic data. So far, it has been issued only in Sonitpur, Nagaon and Golaghat in the state. According to available records, around 6.6 percent of the total population of the state have been issued the card so far while the enrolment rate in the rest of the country has been nearly 90 percent. The earlier Congress regime was not too keen to extend the project to all the districts while the BJP was worried that illegal immigrants would end up being issued Aadhaar cardswhich would further their claim to cit...

7th pay commision ,unity in TET assam teachers and digital protest

As we know from this year onwards assam government announce revision of pay and all the employees working will be benefitted.But the most hot topic striking in the mind of Assam SSA teachers is "Ami bure 7th pay commission mote salary pam ne"? Answer is why not we all are elegible give me one reason for uneligibility. So next question is "Ami graduate scale pamne"? Answer is right now all contractual lp teachers bill is being prepared as intermediate scale .So we will get intermediate scale for the time being. So now lets discuss about our drawback where we fall. We all are aware with the fact that Maximum TET teachers working are youth.We are socially active we have the enthusiasm to work co operatively but we everytime fail to maintain that in true sense we dont have any unity at all.We just show our courage in social networking site but whenever there is need of gathering and discussing our attendence we have seen before only how much of us we co...

Whats app group admin Be careful ?First arrest due to improper use of whats app

:An administrator of a WhatsApp group has been arrested in Karnataka’s Uttara Kannada district after a derogatory post about Prime Minister Narendra Modi was circulated in the group.This is the first such arrest of a WhatsApp group administrator reported from Karnataka.A police source told CNN-News18 that the administrator of 'The Balse Boys', Krishna Sannathamma Naik (30), from Murudeshwar area in the district has been arrested.Krishna, an auto rickshaw driver, has been accused of posting derogatory matter about Prime Minister NarendraModi in his group.According to the police, a photograph of PM was morphed to look ugly and obscene before being circulated. Police registered a case after a complaint from Anand Manjunath Naik.Another accused, Ganesh Naik,was also arrested and is out on bail. The third accused, Balakrishna Naik, is still on the run.This comes in the backdrop ofgrowing concern about the social media platform being misused to spread fake news, morphed photograph...


Assam got its first Shatabdi Express with Minister of State for Railways Rajen Gohain flagging off the train from Dibrugarh. The new Shatabdi Express train (No. 12085/12086) will run between Dibrugarh and Guwahati."There was a long-standing demand for better rail connectivity with Guwahati from Dibrugarh and the Dibrugarh-Guwahati Shatabdi Express would fulfil that demand of the people," said Gohain while flagging off the train.The Shatabdi Express trains are among the fastest and most prestigious trains of the Indian Railways along with Rajdhani and Duronto trains which connect metro cities with other important cities fromthe point of view of tourism, pilgrimage or business."The train would have latest fully air-conditioned LHB Coaches to provide safety and extra comfort. Travellers would be provided with bottled water, juice, coffee or tea, and meals relevant to time of day of the journey," said the minister. He also called upon the people of the region, spec...

Nagaland Board class-10 and class-12 Results.

NBSE HSLC& HSSLC Results 2017: Good News for the students who appeared for NBSE class 10 and NBSE class 12 examinations under the Nagaland Board of School Education. The board is likely to declare NBSE HSLC Results 2017 / NBSE 10th Class Results 2017 andNBSEHSSLC Results2017 / NBSE 12th Class Result 2017 on Wednesday, May 3, 2017.Lakhs of students who appeared for Class 10 and class 12 exams now have to wait for just one more day to know their NBSE Board Results 2017.Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE), is primarily responsible for promotion and development of secondary education in Nagaland. It was established by an Act of the Nagaland Assembly legislative Assembly on November 15, 1973. It started functioning from 1st October, 1974.The examinations conducts HSSLC, Class 11 promotion exam, HSLC exam, Class 9 final examination and JEE exams.Those students who had appeared for the exam, can check their NBSE Results 2017 i.e. NBSE HSLC Results 2017, NBSE HSSLC Results 2017, ...