Assam got its first Shatabdi Express with Minister of State for Railways Rajen Gohain flagging off the train from Dibrugarh. The new Shatabdi Express train (No. 12085/12086) will run between Dibrugarh and Guwahati."There was a long-standing demand for better rail connectivity with Guwahati from Dibrugarh and the Dibrugarh-Guwahati Shatabdi Express would fulfil that demand of the people," said Gohain while flagging off the train.The Shatabdi Express trains are among the fastest and most prestigious trains of the Indian Railways along with Rajdhani and Duronto trains which connect metro cities with other important cities fromthe point of view of tourism, pilgrimage or business."The train would have latest fully air-conditioned LHB Coaches to provide safety and extra comfort. Travellers would be provided with bottled water, juice, coffee or tea, and meals relevant to time of day of the journey," said the minister.

He also called upon the people of the region, specially the rail users, to take care of railway property and consider it to be their own. He appealed to the people not to damage the interior or exterior of a beautiful train like Shatabdi and keep it clean.Saying that Prime Minister Narendra Modi placed special emphasis on the development of the northeastern region, Gohain assured the state that the Railways would continue to work for development in the region.The train will have 10 AC Chair Car coaches and 2 luggage-cum-generatorcars. The train will have seven intermediate stoppages. The total fare, which includes charges for food, for one adult passenger from Guwahati to Dibrugarh will be Rs 1,095and between Dibrugarh and Guwahati will be Rs 1,010.

Source:India today


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