All Assam SSA TET teachers working will be regularised

If you are eagerly waiting for this statement to be flashed in my blog then we have to do something different.There are lots of difficulties on the way we have to cross it but i can give you 100% assurance if we work collectively we will definitely succeed and no sooner this dream of publishing the article of TET teachers can be true for me.
First of all our task is, Lets bring all TET contractual teachers under one umbrella association.With 25000 total candidate and three different union bodies ,we are totally in aimless direction,.One association bodies will think to take decision on a particular topic and other association will dissapprove it.
Why cant we be one..
One decision,one thinking and one name .As we all know "United we stand divided we fall".

This type of differences in our association can benefit the government they may take serious advantage of us.

Recently one of our colleague develop an idea to sought the help of,the online petition site.
We have to make this mission successful. has a trackrecord of successful accomplishment .
Recent change in passport verification system by indian government is a latest  example of it.
So learn step by step method how to sign the petition:

First go this link:

And after that you will see this image
Click that sign this petition option.
And next after that you will get this option as shown in the image

Mention your first name /last name ,email ,country ,postal code and the reason for signing which is optional and at last just click the the sign button and you are done.

And next if you have other email and want to sign the petition with that also then just follow this pattern as shown in image:
Logout that user name that you recently signed and then follow the same pattern that you using last email .

So i hope you got How to sign the petition .
Remember dont take it lightly this online petition platform  has been most effectively used and it is most successful platform.

How this online petition will work?
A petition is a time-tested way to make change. At its simplest, it's a clear request to a decision maker, signed by many supporters. With's powerful online petition tool, you have power to connect with more people -- and make more change -- than ever before. Here's how:

Why Online Petitions Work?

Think of it this way: What if your company received thousands of emails from valued customers asking you to use a different supplier for your parts? What if you started to receive emails from each of your neighbors asking you to stop playing loud music at night? How quickly would you act?That’s the unique thing about creating an online petition on when you specify an email address for your target, each time a supporter signs your petition, an email is automatically sent directly to that person. Governments, companies and individuals value their reputations and feel accountable to their neighbours, constituents and customers. When hundreds or even thousands of emails arrive in their inboxes, the message is very hard to ignore.
And if email of decision maker is not mentioned then a written petition will be forwarded on behalf of all the petitioners each and every time when a person sign and accomplish definite target.

So now dont think too much and just sign the petition .Remember if your browser is uc mini or opera it may show blank page also..
So it is advisable to copy the link and  paste it in chrome/firefox browser/uc hd.or any big browser that support flash and animation.

Remember no matter you are regular or contractual or just a simple internet surfer,you just click the link given above .Remember your one sign can save the sinking future of contractual TET teachers in Assam.

********Thank you*******
*****Joy aaaii oxom*****
****JAI HIND*****


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