How safe is your D.EL.ED degree from kkhsou?

Hello everybody it took me a long time to come up with a new article .Due to my busy schedule i was unable to post .But today i have come with something shocking.
As most of us we have completed our Deled degree from KKHSOU.
As Deled is a compulsory professional course that a teacher needs to acquire to teach in primary level.
Now the main question is as we have completed two years professional course D.el.ed (KKHSOU) so now shall we relax.
No not at the moment just wait and hold your breath for a while.
Actually KKHSOU is not approved by ERC NCTE for conducting Deled through ODL.
Just have a look at the latest RTI filed(anonymous,nsme hidden for privacy concern) on 19-07-2017 and replied on 12-08-2017.

Now the main question arises here is ,if Kkhsou was not recognised to conduct deled by NCTE then why did govt. oriented us through it.A big question lies here .
Two years we have studied hardly to acquire that degree and lastly if we get such type of RTI reply that create a big question mark in our mind.Moreover without approval of NCTE Deled degree is not valid in any central or state govt.job.
As i throughly checked out the official website of kkhsou to find the approval letter by NCTE but was failed .I just managed to grab the proposal copy which is of 07-05-2012.

As the deadline to acquire the professional course is nearing we want a clear and amicable reply wether our degrees are safe or not .And its the duty of grab the approval nod from NCTE to conduct DELED through kkhsou or else thousands of teachers might get affected due their carelessness.
Lets wait and watch what steps will be taken by the university and govt side in the matter as it is a serious concern ,it is not a matter of 100 or 200 .Thousands of teachers are associated with it .

A quick intervention of assam govt to NCTE is required in the matter.
so thats all for today will be back very soon with a new analysis ,discussion ,news and few knowledgeable facts,till then keep updated with the blog.
  ****Thank you*******

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